Nicki Minaj gets is getting an outpouring amount of support from fans and colleagues in the music industry including Spice and Macka Diamond.
Nicki Minaj believes that she is being persecuted for speaking out about the coronavirus vaccine even though many of her claims have already been debunked. She went live on Instagram yesterday, September 15, to express her sentiments.
Nicki also said that she believed there was an attempt to assassinate her character because she has chosen to speak up for those who do not have a voice.
She’s already received support for her comments from two female dancehall deejays. Spice said, “Onika you are under attack because you’re “black and intelligent” when we are too educated we become a problem to society . May God watch over you and cover every step you take.”
Macka Diamond wrote, “United we stand divided we fall most black people still don’t get you are a strong minded black woman and you are blessed God is in control blessed love stay focus and prayed up.”

Nicki Minaj also took the opportunity to respond to the severe backlash she’s received following her comments on Twitter where she alleged that a family friend suffered an unusual side effect of the vaccine which made him impotent. Several popular talk show hosts in the US like Trevor Noah and Joy Reid addressed the issue.
“The first attack was from a black woman. This thing to assassinate me is from an Uncle Tomiana when 80 per cent of the artistes y’all are following right now feel the same way about the vaccine and are too afraid to speak on it,” she said.
Nicki Minaj added “And guess what they are doing right now? If they assassinate me and my character and make me look crazy or stupid, guess what? No one else will ever ask questions again. Don’t you see what’s happening?”
Before ending the video, she added that she was disgusted by the fact that people are being laughed at and aren’t being allowed to ask questions.
“Disgusting that a person can’t speak about questions or thoughts about something they have to put in their body. You see they have to get people who can just get on there and make women of colour look f***ing dumb, they can’t deal with smart women, whenever a smart woman challenges anything they get called a b##ch or crazy, pick one or pick both,” she said.
The rapper also recently claimed that she had been banned from Twitter for her views but that was also debunked by a representative of the social media site. That person confirmed that her account was not being looked at for any breach of policy at the moment.
As is commonplace, her Barz were in full support even though many of the things she claimed in the video were untrue.
“Stand your ground Nick! Don’t get something just cuz everyone else is doing it! The Bible say study to should yourself approved! Let ppl study and decide for themselves! Obviously is more too it cuz they pushing it so hard and is really upset that only 22 percent of black ppl got it. Ppl was dying from the flu in the hundreds of thousands and they didn’t make it mandatory to get the flu shoot! Leave ppl alone and you do what’s best for you! P.S me getting the shoot ain’t making sh*t safe if you can still get it and spread it being Vaxx so give it a rest or give me a real reason to get it tf!” this fan said which summed up how most of her fans reacted to the video.