Hip Hop

Young Thug Trial Judge Ruled On Motion For Mistrial, Admonished Prosecutors

"This case is being made much more difficult for everybody"

Young Thug
Young Thug / YouTube

Young Thug’s trial judge issued scathing remarks against the prosecution before handing down a ruling on the defense motion for a mistrial.

Judge Paige Reese Whitaker appears to be reaching the limits of her frustration with prosecutors in the YSL Rico trial. The case has been dragging on in the courts for almost a year now and is showing no signs of wrapping up anytime soon. Judge Whitaker has only been the presiding judge over the case for two months after Judge Ural Glanville was recused from the case.

Despite the case being under a new judge, the courtroom theatrics continue between the defense and prosecution. However, Judge Whitaker is reaching her limits, particularly with how prosecutors have been handling the case, as evident in her rebuke of the state in her remarks on Monday, September 30, 2024.

“I don’t want to malign the prosecutor standing in front of me right now, so I’m not going to say the possible things it could be,” Judge Whitaker said in her remarks. “But it is baffling to me that somebody with the number of years of experience that you have, time after time after time, continues to seemingly and purposefully hide the ball to the extent you possibly can, for as long as you possibly can.”

Judge Whitaker not only questioned the competence of the prosecution team but also accused them of being unorganized in putting together the case.

“This case is being made much more difficult for everybody because of the haphazard way in which it is being presented,” she added before calling for a brief recess. She then retreated to her quarters to ponder the mistrial motion filed by the defense. The judge later returned with her decision on the mistrial motion ruling against it.

The Young Thug YSL Rico trial is now the longest-running trial in the state of Georgia by a long shot. The case, which got underway in November last year, comes with its fair share of courtroom antics fitting for a reality TV show.

In 2022, Young Thug, Gunna, and 26 other of their associates were indicted for racketeering. Prosecutors accused the rappers of running a criminal gang disguised as a record label, Young Slime Life (YSL). Gunna and several others have since taken plea agreements and have been released from jail, but Young Thug, who is the prosecution’s main target remains behind bars after being denied bong multiple times.