
Minister Marion Hall Shed Tears In Court, Details Dog Bite Case

Lady Saw shed light on her dog bite case

Minister Marion Hall
Minister Marion Hall / UI

Former Dancehall artist and now pastor, Minister Marion Hall, former Lady Saw, says the negotiations with a woman claiming to be her helper who was attacked by one of her dogs in 2009 have been frustrating as she broke down on Friday after attending court.

Dorothy Wilson sued Marion Hall in 2010 for damages pertaining to the injuries she suffered when she was bitten by a pit bull owned by the former dancehall artist at her Chancery Hall, St. Andrew home. Lady Saw had neglected to attend to the lawsuit, and the plaintiff was granted a default judgment. However, efforts to repay the money have been difficult. In 2020, the court ordered that Hall pay the woman J$3 million or face her $60 million property being put up for sale to recover the money.

However, no buyer was interested in the sale. On Friday, Hall cried online as she expressed frustration and hurt at the process and called out the judge for allowing the plaintiff the right to sell a piece of land that belongs to her to satisfy the judgment.

“I broke down in the court a while ago, I broke down and I cried and I tell the judge, another judge, they keep changing judges. One judge said to sell my house. Then they said they don’t bother want to sell the house after a few years…I offered them, listen nuh people of God, they want six million, and a judge give them to right to sell my house and even when they have the house, the title and it signed off it still allow them to take 1000 Jamaican a day off of it,” she said.

In the video, Hall’s eyes are puffy as her voice cracks while describing the court proceedings.

“This man ask the judge to sell my land and the judge give him the right to sell my land. I tell them take it! Because we leave this earth with nothing. Naked we come on this earth naked we leaving. Nothing we gon carry them with us. She now give him the right to sell the land. I offer him two more million somebody gon give me that means they got 1.5m JMD, they got 450,000 JMD, they got a $10,000 US, they got 3.4million something and I was offering them the two million so that would mean $5.5 somewhere there and some. Instead of taking the money, the man said they not taking the money.”

She added, “They want my property to sell. So now is from house to land. Sell any land unu want, do you think it’s your land? it’s not my land, no matter what you buy on earth, you don’t own it. We all gonna leave here. The judge telling me how you acting like that and you are a Christian… I am a Christian but I have a heart, blood run through mi vein. So I am telling her this is a lie from the pit of hell.”

Minister Marion Hall who did not defend her claim, said she does not know the woman and questioned why a trial had not taken place.

“I did this woman nothing. I was not in Jamaica; I didn’t hire this woman. The woman said she worked for me for 15 years… the system in Jamaica is a broken system. The court system is broken when it comes to artists because that’s how they look at me. They never put that woman on the stand, they never questioned her, I’ve never gone to court, I was up here pregnant, lose, pregnant lose…Some wicked people on earth, I have not done anything to anyone,” Hall said, putting her bible on her head and swearing.

“Take the land. I said your honour, I never break down but it’s just overwhelming,” the artist added.

Minister Hall is unrepresented and has not hired counsel to defend her.