If the words of Meek Mill’s producer, Hitkidd are true, Meek Mill may not be practicing what he preaches. The 34-year-old rapper has been actively calling out his record labels since December 2019 for taking advantage of young talents and serving them with “slave deals.”
On Thursday, the Dream Chasers Records co-founder found himself on the other side of the accusations when his own producer made similar claims about him. Hit Kid, who previously worked with many hit-makers, including Megan Thee Stallion and Key Glock, took to social media to blast his boss and air out his issues with the Dream Chasers label.
“[Meek Mill] I represented [Dreamchasers] very well for 3 years and NOBODY stood on business,” he started. “I never said nothing about having help nor asked for a handout. You’ve made plenty statements about signing slave deals and labels not doing their jobs. So, I ponder as to why my situation isn’t better.”
The Memphis-based producer continued, “I wished you gave me them same expectations you expect from the label that you’re signed to. I don’t want no clout from this, I NEED PEOPLE TO DO THEIR JOBS. I feel like Kanye when he walked into the Rocafella building.”
The attack on Meek Mill may surprise many fans, as the Philadelphia rapper openly called out record labels for mistreating him. He further pledged that he would prove how legally sketchy the deals being offered by record companies were. “What about major companies taking kids from the ghetto and got them signing they lives away for a lil bit of money?”
Meek wrote in a December 2019 tweet. “We taking control of that 2020 and exposing the people offering these slave deals! Ima get some lawyers to break down some of these deals y’all offering these kids.”
Hit Kid’s claims on the “Expensive Pain” rapper’s own business practices may have also taken him by surprise. But Meek Mill appeared to be more concerned about the avenue taken to get his attention on the concerns.
Meek commented on the post, “Why you had to go on the net.” Hit Kid soon after replied, “I tried to personally tell you 1 on 1 but couldn’t get a contact. If I feel like I’m wrong, I’ll apologize just how I made this post. I just wanted things done better.”
Perhaps the issue will now be dealt with behind closed doors, as Meek Mill would probably have preferred initially. Meek Mill launched Dream Chasers Records back in 2012. The label, which became a joint venture with Roc Nation in 2019, has since been active in the careers of artistes including Chino, Yung Bleu, Yung Ro, and the late Lil Snupe. The label also signed a range of music producers and other Hip-Hop acts.