
Tommy Lee Performing Live In Zurich + Interview [VIDEO]

Tommy Lee continues to blaze a trail in Europe on his Spartan tour.

Reggaeville caught up with the “Uncle Demon” deejay in Zurich where he opens up about the tour.

VIDEO: Tommy Lee Bounced Back With Sold Out Shows In Europe, Suriname

“The tour is great I am enjoying myself, I got a lot of love from Europe, so its a blessing,” Tommy Lee said.

Tommy Lee, who is touring Europe for the first time, says next year he will return will a band.

Watch Tommy Lee performing live in Zurich, Switzerland below.


  1. would have been interesting to see the size of the crowd..

  2. Christopher Gayle

    who nuh like we gi dem yyy an x dem mad ting man SPARTA YOOOW.

  3. uncl demon,,,,.,,, nephew demon…../ mmmmmmhhh! a tommy leeeee.

  4. Great job tommy lee, blessing,