Plies found himself behind bars and charged with DUI last month and now we finally got our hands on the dash cam video.
The Florida rapper was arrested in January after police pulled him over under suspicion of driving under the influence. At the time he was pulled over, he was driving the wrong way down a one way street. The police dash cam clip released by police shows the rapper cuffed and placed inside the police cruiser and taken into custody.
He is currently out on a $500 bond and vows that he will stop drinking. Plies did remained calm and was fully cooperating with cops during the ordeal, but it’s his Home Alone white t-shirt that everyone on social media is talking about. “Am I the only one who noticed Plies home alone t-shirt,” one fan commented.
Plies famously blamed his friends for his DUI in a rant posted on his Instagram called out some of the folks in his circle for allowing him to get wasted and then drive. Check out the two videos below.