Hip Hop

Diddy’s Beyonce Ivy Park Box Turns Out To Be For Someone Else, His Reaction Priceless


Diddy collected his Ivy Park Box sent from Beyonce, but the only problem is the gears are not his, they’re for his daughter.

Beyoncé dropping the new Ivy Park x Adidas line has been a worldwide event, as is everything Queen Bey does. In keeping with the grandiosity of it all, Bey has been sending all her famous friends the entire line, packaged beautifully on a rolling clothing rack wrapped in bright orange. Many celebrities have taken to social media to excitedly post their unboxing of Beyoncé’s gift, and Diddy was the latest star to record himself as he opened what he apparently thought would be a collection of new clothing for him to rock.

Unfortunately for Diddy, the clothes Bey sent were meant for his three young daughters. The video shared to Instagram featured Diddy dramatically and ceremoniously opening his Ivy Park box, even dancing around as he began rifling through the hangers. Grabbing a pair of pants, Puffy holds them up to himself and says in a confused tone, “Y’all think I can fit this stuff?”

A room full of people laughs as the hip hop mogul begins to realize that the clothing sizes seem to be meant for his daughters, D’Lila, Jessie, and Chance. One of his daughters quickly grabs the pants and holds them up to herself, smiling as she shows the room that they are a perfect fit.

The Ivy Park x Adidas line is being marketed as gender neutral, so it makes sense that Puff thought there would be some items for him in there. However, the pieces sent to him seem to be sized for children or young adults, so it doesn’t look like Sean Combs can squeeze into the activewear even if he wanted to spite his kids. However, Diddy can surely afford his own Ivy Park gear, and sending the outfits for his young daughters who probably appreciate it more than he would is a lovely gesture from the always gracious Beyoncé.

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