
Bow Wow Gets Troll On Twitter For Racial and Political Views

Bow Wow aka Shad Moss is once again getting trolled on Twitter for his views on race and politics.

The whole ordeal started when Bow Wow started talking about his views on politics and his family mixed race background on Twitter.

“I’m not really into politics like that. Hell we survive bush what can be more tragic?” Bow Wow said before adding “I dont really care because after i learned what i learned about politics i just stay away… Let down,” the rapper responded.

But some of his followers started asking him questions like “what have you learn? if you truly learn would be staying away.”

Things really took a turned for the worst when Bow Wow started talking about his family ancestry while alluding that he is of a mixed race background.

“Im mixed,” he said. “I don’t know what my ancestors was doing. I only know what i see…i seen SELMA. Was i related to anyone no. Im saying my moss side of family is NOT BLACK. Heritage different.”

Bow Wow also responded to some media reports claiming that he stated that he is not black.

Bow Wow also posted a photo of his biological father calling him a “homie.”
