
T.I. Ordered To Report To Jail By November 1st… Despite Fans Plea

Atlanta rapper was ordered to report to a federal prison in Arkansas by November 1.

The Grammy winning rapper was forced to serve his sentence outside his home town Atlanta by Federal Authorities earlier this week.

U.S. Marshal Beverly Harvard ordered today that T.I. will report to the Forrest City low-security prison where he served parts of an earlier 10-month federal weapons charge.

Once T.I. reports to prison, he will begin serving his 11 month sentence for violating his probation.

T.I. whose real name is Clifford Harris Jr was sentence to serve 11 months in prison by an Atlanta judge for violating his probation. The incident stemmed from an arrest in Los Angeles last month, where the rapper and his wife was charged with illegal possession of drugs.

Case dismissed

The LA County District Attorney has apparently thrown out the drug case which came from the rapper’s arrest on 1st September on suspicison of possessing a controlled substance, according to TMZ.

TIP has been sentenced for parole violation only, the District Attorney’s Office has confirmed that he won’t be charged with any further drug offences relating to the September incident.

Fans plea

While T.I. is slated to begin his sentence within a week, supporters have pleaded with an Atlanta judge to allow him to skip jail.

A mysterious and geography-challenged admirer of Atlanta rapper T.I. has asked the court to place him in rehab instead of sending him back to federal prison, according to celebrity gossip site TMZ. The document is signed “Citizens of the State of Atlanta Georgia.” T.I., aka Clifford J. Harris Jr., does not know who filed the motion, according to TMZ.

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