
Offbeatz: Mark Zuckerberg’s first Facebook question: does Rihanna write her own music?

The founder for social network giant Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, has finally dipped his toe into one of Facebook’s new features, Facebook Questions – in order to try and work out if Rihanna writes her own songs.

Facebook is attempting to get into the question and answer business currently occupied by the likes of Yahoo! Answers and Ask MetaFilter – launched in a test version in May this year… but it’s taken founder Zuckerberg until now to find a question important enough to him that he need to ask it.

The burning question.
‘Does Rihanna write her own music?’ Because that’s not the sort of information you can easily find on Google or Wikipedia, obviously.

It seems the Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook is somewhat of a big fan of the Bajan popstar, which compelled him to ask the question if RiRi rights her own music.

The answer is yes and no, Rihanna wrote some of her music and co-writes a lot.

Would you like to answer the question for him?… comments below

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  1. I really Liked the film “Social Network” It’s brilliand) Good Job!

  2. cool 1 because if it was to be me, I will ask! is she really that beautiful or is it make-up.