
Nas Calls Out Fox News Over Common White House Visit

Veteran rapper Nas has shared his thoughts on Common recent visit to the White House that made Fox News headlines.

Common, who delivered an impressive piece of poetry last week, was labeled by Fox News as a “Vile.”

Nas labeled Fox News an organization filled with geezers and suggested the controversial outlet was internally shook.

“The people who feel like Common shouldn’t be performing are really old in their thinking,” Nas said. “It’s like your grandparents have a microphone, and not even smart grandparents — just ignorant grandparents…It scares the h*ll out of them. They feel like an endangered species in their way of thinking. People that are not open to change are just miserable.”

Monday night, Fox News personality Bill O’Reilly and “Daily Show” host Jon Stewart debated Common’s invite and defense of a female cop killer.

“They found 16 live rounds in her purse, and this guy thinks she’s great,” O’Reilly said, referring to Assata Shakur. “Common wasn’t even born when this crime took place.” Assata Shakur was convicted of murdering New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster in 1973, but she escaped from prison in 1979 and fled to Cuba. The United States still has a $1 million dollar reward for Shakur’s capture.

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